Rome, 10th -12th October 2022
When the Communities Commission first started thinking about a Second International Conference For Charismatic Communities Leaders, we were unsure how many might attend. The feedback we were getting from around the world was that people were returning slowly to full participation in community life. So, we thought, let’s go ahead and prepare a program around the theme “Building Healthy Communities” and see what God might do.
As the pre-registrations came across my desk, the numbers kept jumping from 40 to 80 to 150 and finally, on arrival in Rome, I heard that nearly 200 registrations had been received from 37 countries. Praise God! The conference hadn’t even started, and we were seeing such a hunger to be together. The hunger to participate was already an action of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship, community formation and training in leadership skills filled our time together. The community leaders came with a sense of expectation, and they were not disappointed.
There was something for everyone as the conference addressed issues that had been raised in earlier community consultations. Topics included Foundational aspects of Charismatic Communities, Family Life, Ecumenism, Young People, Pastoral Care, Founders’ Charisms, and Leadership Formation. (Conference talks be available here) In true charismatic style, a whole evening was given over to a time of ministry dedicated to the leaders. Prophecy, words of knowledge and prayer ministry nourished and strengthened the leaders as they opened their hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit.
CHARIS Moderator, Pino Scafuro from Argentina, opened the conference and recalled the vision of CHARIS and the priorities established by the Holy Father (Share the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Care for the Poor and Building Ecumenical Relationships). This vision was further articulated by Fr. Alexandre Awi (Secretary of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life) who spoke about the development of CHARIS and its importance for the life of the church. He reminded the community leaders of the hope that the Holy Father had placed in this new Public Association which is given to the whole church.
Shayne Bennett
Coordinator of Communities Commission