Four years ago in Rome, in the Aula Paolo VI, Pope Francis thanked the ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity for the service and faithfulness of those who, until then, had led the worldwide CCR, and gave way to the beginning of the new and unique Service for the whole Current of Grace: CHARIS – Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service.
As Francis told us “Today begins a stage marked by communion between all the members of the charismatic family, in which the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit is manifested for the good of the entire Church “.
And he underlined the three main missions he expected from the CCR: (Speech 8th of June 2019)
- To share the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church.
- To serve the Unity of the Body of Christ, the Church
- To serve the Poor and those in greatest need, physical or spiritual.
Therefore, CHARIS began its ‘Service’ 4 years ago. Despite the difficulties of a new beginning and circumstances that the world presented to us, the Lord sustained us, and we have not ceased in service for a single day, seeking to fulfil the will of the Lord as expressed by the Holy Father.
CHARIS has commissions or areas of service such as:
Youth, Communities, Prayer Groups, Intercession, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Formation, Human Promotion, Christian Unity, and availability for consultations on spirituality, theology, and canon law as it pertains to the Current of Grace.
CHARIS is currently working in the following areas:
Integral Formation Program – IFP
It has been running since 2022, a tool to help CCR servants-leaders and the Church, just as the Pope recommends: “Although this Formation Program has been intended for the servants of the Charismatic Renewal, I believe it will do much good to all those who participate”. (Pope Francis – letter to CHARIS 15/02/2022)
If you want to register, take advantage of it now!
We are also working on other courses that will soon be available.
International Intercession Network
We believe in the power of prayer and that is why we have launched the formation of a worldwide intercession network that is spreading to many countries around the world.
If you want, you can be part of it
Agenda 2033
Without any doubt, the second millennium of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and the birth of the Church at Pentecost, should be the biggest celebration to commemorate these history-changing events.
It is a CHARIS program with the support of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, with the support of movements, international associations, and other Christian churches. to work together in this decade with the following goals:
- To Become aware of the time we are living.
- To Generate communion in our actions.
- To Widen the tent to produce concrete evangelizing actions.
There are several initiatives around the world, internationally and locally, to celebrate 2033, CHARIS invites all of them to be part of Agenda 2033 to move forward together in this mission.
Ecumenical Youth Meeting in Lisbon
With the accompaniment of Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M.Cap., together with evangelical brothers, CHARIS is organizing an Ecumenical Youth Meeting, within the framework of the WYD. It will take place at the Benfica Stadium on Friday 4 August at 21:00. There will be music, testimonies, and prayer.
From the very moment we told Pope Francis about this project, he has strongly encouraged us to take it forward. Please encourage young people to come to this event.
We will have more news soon.
Called, Transformed and Sent
From 2nd to 4th of November 2023, CHARIS is organizing an event for the whole CCR, which will take place in the Paul VI Hall, in the Vatican.
Among others, we will have the presence of Pope Francis, and Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M.Cap.
Some moments of this program:
- Workshops (in different Basilicas).
- Some of the main themes in the formation will be: prayer, charisms, natural and supernatural capacities, controversial issues and the creativity of the Holy Spirit, etc.
- Mass at the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter’s Basilica
- Concert for peace with a Symphony Orchestra, composed of young Brazilians, Russians, and Ukrainians.
- Youth Concert in Paul VI Hall with the “Sending out on mission throughout the world with a view to 2033”. Pope Francis will conclude the concert with a “sending out on mission throughout the world”, looking ahead to 2033.
Don’t miss it, it is a time of Grace! We are waiting for you!
Pentecost of the Jubilee Year 2025
In the framework of the Jubilee Year 2025, the Church has entrusted CHARIS, as a Service to the CCR, with the organization of the Pentecost Vigil which will take place in the Circus Massimo in Rome.
Let us prepare ourselves for this new time of Grace to which the Lord is calling us and which will also remind us of the special moments of blessing experienced during the Golden Jubilee of 2017.
We thank the Lord for this Service, which is for all, let us continue to invoke the Holy Spirit so that He may be the Protagonist.
We are at your service!