Integral Formation Program

Frequently asked questions

A training program offered by CHARIS for anyone willing to explore topics about the Church, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and themselves.

How to register on the Platform?

  • Click on this link:
  • Choose your language
  • Click on the IFP box
  • Create your account (remember to write your password)
  • Up to here you have enrolled in the platform. (you cannot access our courses yet) 
  • To complete your registration you must pay your registration fee

You can only register once with the same email.

If I register only for the Platform can I access the course?

No, you must pay your registration fee to access the course.  

Once you have created your account you have to complete your registration paying the participation fee of the course you have chosen in one of the 5 languages.

How do I access my course?

Click on the Platform: enter your email and password that you created during the registration.

After logging in, click on My Dashboard and then click on Start Course.


Will the formation be live?

No. It will be recorded video lessons to give everyone the opportunity to access the course in the time he/she determines based on the free time each person has.

How often will the videos be posted?

The videos will be available from the date you complete your registration for 15 months and you will be able to access them at any time.

23 videos are already available and from 28 April 2023 you will find a new teaching every week. No new videos will be uploaded in August. The course will resume in the first week of September.


How do I use PDF resources?

The files are protected by copyright so you cannot copy them and they are for personal use only. You have to download the material, open the file with an application that reads PDFs and then you can also print them out.

Can I enroll in IFP after it has started?

Yes, you can. Since these are video lessons, you will choose the pace at which you watch the lessons.

I don't remember my password, how do I do it??

If you have forgotten your password, you can request it by clicking on Forgot Password? 

In what language will the PFI take place?

The course will be available in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

How do I get the certificate?

You must have attended 100% of the classes. 

Is my course personal?

Yes, the resources offered in the course are solely and exclusively for the personal use of the individual users/participants enrolled. 

Can I share my credentials with anyone?

No. Our courses are copyrighted © CHARIS. Therefore, your registration is personal and you may not give your access data to anyone.

How can I participate by contributing with a credit card?

When you go to click on Paypal 2 options will appear: payment on Paypal, or payment by credit card, click there and follow the procedure. 

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