Julia encountered, experienced and grew in the CCR in Spain in the  1990s. A few years later, in Argentina, she was the coordinator of the Charismatic Renewal in Buenos Aires.

In parallel with that, she was an important coworker of the Archdiocesan Social Pastoral Work and so created pastoral bonds with the then archbishop Bergoglio.

During her leadership time in Buenos Aires, she promoted a CCR integrated with the Church, open to a diversity of expressions and enhanced important ecumenical initiatives.

Based in Rome from 2014 onwards, she supported the office of the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships and the working team organizing the Golden jubilee of the CCR.

She was called by Pope Francis to be part of the team which was charged with creating a new and only service for the whole current of grace which finally started its work in 2019, under the name of CHARIS.

Julia is a person who loves the Church, who has strong convictions and is passionate about fulfilling Jesus’ wish that we are all one, so that the world may believe.

All of these features of hers were necessary and in fact essential for CHARIS to exist now.

In the years she lived in Rome she worked unrelentlessly in the San Calisto office until last month.

In line with the very same wisdom and clear sightedness we have been describing, she decided to go back to her family in Buenos Aires.

Of course, she is going to continue to work along with us from her home city helping with anything we need. Counting on this is very significant for CHARIS and the current of grace throughout the world.

Thank you Julia!


Pino Scafuro

CHARIS Moderator




Dear friends,

I am going back home. I am leaving Rome and going back to my children and my grandchildren, whom I hardly know.

It wasn’t easy for me to make this decision. I made it because I felt strongly in my heart that, having turned 80 (I don’t even believe it!), I want to spend the remaining years getting to know my grandchildren and sharing life with them and my sons … It’s new life for me and a new challenge that fills me with enthusiasm!

I arrived Buenos Aires last August and Agustín, my 3-year-old grandson, refused to allow me to kiss him in the airport because he did not recognize me! In the afternoon my granddaughter gave me a drawing she had made for me: “Grandmother Julia, thank you for coming back! You are a very strong grandmother! And she drew me with a weight in each hand and with her by my side …

The Lord speaks also through children …

I cried a lot, but making a decision means taking responsibility for its consequences. Going back  home means leaving Rome, and doing so is a cause of great pain for me. These have been 7 and a half years of grace! Serving in the preparation and start-up of CHARIS was a privilege that I will never forget nor will I stop appreciating!

Some people have asked me questions. The only answer I have is that I believe we are all necessary, but no one is indispensable! Useless servants we are, the work belongs to the Lord! To Him be the glory!

I will stop sharing my daily life with people who have become my friends and also my family here. Blessed be God!

The word that springs from my heart is THANK YOU! Thank you Lord, thank you all!

Thanks to each and every one of those who have accompanied me, have helped me, have taught me, have been patient with me, for all the hugs I have received and also for those who have criticized me, helping me to grow in humility!

have been patient with me, have criticized me …!

I do not leave you. I am not leaving you, I carry. I will carry you in my heart and in my prayers, and I entrust myself to yours!


Julia Torres

November 2021




Only message