Christian Unity Commission

Christian Unity Commission

Christian Unity Commission Purpose and goals CHARIS, an instrument at the service of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has instituted a “Christian Unity Commission” (CUC) for the purpose of promoting and working for unity of the body of Christ, as expressed in the...

Links CHARIS International

Called, Transformed and Sent Integral Formation Program CHARIS International EN CHARIS International IT CHARIS International FR CHARIS International ES CHARIS International PT Whats App channel Youtube Facebook...
A great joy fills our hearts

A great joy fills our hearts

CHARIS lives with the joy of having Father Raniero Cantalamessa, as a new Cardinal of our Church! During the consistory on Saturday November 28th, held in St. Peter’s Basilica, he was created a Cardinal by Pope Francis, at 86 years old. Fr. Raniero requested and...

Created 4 Greatness EN

CREATED 4 GREATNESS On October 31, 2020, the young people of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal worldwide met on social media to participate in the Created 4 Greatness vigil, a historic event for the entire CCR organized by CHARIS International Youth Service of...
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