On the 10th of September will take place this musical by Angel Mahler – composer and director of many Musical hits-, Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion, is a work acclaimed in several theatres and events.

This time, with an extraordinary staging, at the Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires. With Symphony Orchestra and more than 100 artists on stage.

At the end of the event, as a “going out” action and with the message that the values of the Gospel are for the whole of society, the audience will go out into the street in procession through the city, behind the artists and a musical band, convinced that Jesus is the Inspiration that can change the world.

The event is part of the 2033Agenda, an initiative celebrating the 2000th anniversary of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The sponsors of the event are: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Buenos Aires, The Argentine Bishops Conference, ACIERA- Evangelical Christian Alliance of the Argentine Republic, BANUEV-Buenos Aires for the New Evangelization.

A great opportunity to get on this journey towards 2033.



More information: lunapark.com.ar

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