COVID-19 Prayer Campaign

CHARIS joins the initiative to pray for the end of the pandemic wanted by Pope Francis

“From the whole Church the prayer to God went up unceasingly” (Acts 12,5)

1 May – 31 May 2021

CHARIS is joining a worldwide prayer marathon under the motto “From the whole Church unceasing prayer to God” to invoke an end to the pandemic and the resumption of social and work activities, promoted by the “Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.”

Each day at 6 p.m. (Rome time) there will be the recitation of the Rosary, an initiative desired by Pope Francis that will open on May 1 and close on May 31 and will be led by thirty Marian shrines representative of those around the world.

As charismatics, we feel particularly called to join us in this universal prayer, invoking the Holy Spirit as we await Pentecost together with Mary, Mother of the Church.

Click here to see the shrines around the world.


Hope Does Not Disappoint

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa

During the general audience transmitted by video on Wednesday, March 11, referring to the Coronavirus crisis, the Holy Father exhorted the faithful of the whole world to face the situation “with strength, responsibility and hope”. Let us try to give content to each of these three dispositions.

Strength. Let us listen to the Word that God addresses to his People in a particular moment of trial as if it were addressed to us today: “Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zac 4:6). This does not exempt us from putting into action all human resources and precautions, but it assures us that we are not alone in our struggle. God is never so much Emmanuel, God-with-us, as when we are in trial. In such a moment, let us also cry out to Jesus like the apostles in the storm: “Lord, don’t you care that we perish?” He awaits our cry so that his intervention may be at the same time the fruit of his grace and of our faith.

Responsibility. Let us not think only of ourselves, of taking shelter, possibly even at the expense of others. Let us think of the consequences that one of our actions or omissions may have. This situation offers us a unique opportunity to remember that we are one family and “members of each other”. A true captain does not abandon ship until all those for whom he is responsible have been rescued. This is the selflessness that so many doctors and caregivers have shown in such magnificent ways, but which has been exemplified above all else by our Saviour who “offered himself to death for all of us. »

Hope. The most beautiful contribution that we can offer our brothers and sisters as people of the Charismatic Renewal is this: to keep alive the theological hope, the hope that “does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rm 5:5). In the name of the Moderator of CHARIS and of the whole International Service of Communion, as ecclesiastical assistant, I address to all the brothers and sisters of the CCR the wish that the Apostle addresses to the faithful of Rome: “May the God of hope give you joy and peace in your act of faith, so that hope may abound in you by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Rm 15:13).


Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?

One year after the Statio Orbis
Pope Francis

27 March 2021

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