Week of prayer for Christian Unity 2022
Day 03The presence of Christ turns the world upside down.
« King Herod was greatly disturbed when this came to his ears, and the same thing happened to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. » (Mt.2,3)
“O God, we are one with you, you have made us with you. You have taught us that if we open ourselves to each other, you dwell within us. Help us to preserve this openness and to fight for it with all our hearts. Oh God, as we wholeheartedly, completely, fully accept each other, we accept YOU and we thank You and we adore You and we love You with all of our being, because our being is in your being, and our spirit is rooted in your Spirit. So fill us with love and may love unite us when we embark on our various paths, united in this one Spirit that makes you present in the world.”
You may also visit the website at christianunity.va to find about more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.